

Point The First -- This Is A Positive Blog Site... Despite The Occasional Harsh Tone And Occasional Extremely Serious Subjects! Pro Women -- All Day, All Night, All The Time!

The human race is split between two sexes -- Male and female. One sex has subjugated the other sex from the beginning of time. One sex needs the other sex for... sexual pleasure and propagation of the species. Otherwise, one sex appears to be literally trying to kill off the other sex... by war, by subjugation and by rape! And, as insane as it sounds to a rational mind -- ultra-modern, ass-backward, America is fostering a blatant, violent, frightening subjugation culture of women -- with RAPE as the dirty sword! Need proof of this assertion? Look toward your local religion twisted Republican!

This is a liberal, pro-women blog! The writers are extremely militant at times when explaining their points... but this war on women nonsense, pushed by men and religion, is serious business! Every day of the year -- women around the planet are burned, hanged, stoned, shot, disfigured by acid, prevented from gaining education, forced into poverty -- and the enforcement tool is... RAPE!

That twisted culture is right here in America… wrapped in $500.00 suites, possessed by Caucasian politicians, right there in the American Congress… and beyond!

Presented here are essays, poems, news article critiques and empowerment advocations... for women to take charge... of their lives! You don't have to take men's brutal shit!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Introducing: Another Republican Woman Hating Congressman Bastard

Hello, beautiful white women of America. Would you like me, a black man, to dare to tell you who your greatest American enemy is in these times of international terrorism, home grown terrorism, the new governmental information war and the government's war on women? Well here is a profound declaration: The number one enemy to white women in America is... WHITE MEN!

If the actions of  ALL of the the Republican Congressmen, to a man, in today's Congress are any indication of what they think of you... then you might as well take a needle and thread, sew up the entrance to your sexual organs, fade away into obscurity and NEVER backtalk another white male.

What in the hell am I talking about? You, white women, better look at the news and catch a wave of understanding concerning what your white men in our government is doing to you... and the rest of us. If they hate you, then what chance does a Negro like me have in this conservative white man's world?

Here for your perusal, white women, is today's example of the ignorance of white men's hatred for white women... and, by proxy, black women, too!

And, if you live in Virginia... and you vote for Ken Cuccinelli in the upcoming Governor's race, you will elect another Republican Governor who thinks like Trent Franks X 10! I keep warning you ladies... I hope you're listening!